Monday, February 14, 2011

RJD2- We Are The Doorways

RJD2's been doing his thing for a while now (if you don't know him, you should follow the link) and with the recent release of his The Insane Warrior LP he actually took up the moniker "the Insane Warrior".  He's referred to this recent project as (and I'm paraphrasing) something of a soundtrack for a movie that doesn't exist yet and with that in mind he has started the We Are the Doorways project.  We Are the Doorways asks artists of any level to submit any and all original works of art to the website and the Insane Warrior himself will pick the winners on April 1st.  The grand prize winner will along with some other good stuff get to have lunch with the Warrior once he rolls through your neck of the woods on tour and other winners will also be selected.  Artists, get to work.

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