Sunday, February 27, 2011

Trademark Da Skydiver & Smoke DZA- Headband

So I spotted this over at 2DopeBoyz, Smoke DZA & Trademark went in over a Travis Porter single "Make It Rain" on this track. Chip The Ripper also did this Travis Porter instrumental and called it "Roll That Weed Bitch". Regardless, enjoy the sounds of Trademark Da Skydiver and Smoke DZA "Headband".


  1. It is the original beat to "make it rain" by travis porter, chip just did a remix and better version to it

  2. aha good looks. I have seen the name "Make It Rain" while searching for the Chip version, so I see now. Thanks. I just don't bump Travis Porter

  3. I don't blame ya one bit lol

  4. I just don't like people like travis porter/barker trying to make the switch to hip-hop. stick to what you are "good at"
